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Culture and traditional events


07.08.2010 11:00

Fazana’s waterfront

Pilchard, small oily fish, the symbol of Fazana fisherman’s festivals, extends its invitation the largest festival: Pilchard festival! It is the liveliest happening in Fazana when the entire world of fishing, entertainment and leisure unfolds in a variety of events.

This is one of our oldest fisherman’s festivals, when the flag of the fisherman’s fraternity “St. Andrew”, patron saint of fishermen, proudly flutters.

Many competitions are organized, such as the contest in carrying fish crates, rowing, tug of war…

The appetizing smell of pilchard covers the waves and calm sea, while the waterfront and other places in town become venues of sports, cultural and entertainment events.

The local restaurants display their gastronomic skill and rich offer, bringing joy to both townspeople and visitors and once again presenting Fazana as a top-quality host.