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Registration of stay and sojourn tax payment

According to the Act on the Movement and Residence of Foreign Nationals, after entering Croatia, foreign nationals must register their residence. The physical or legal person offering accommodation to visitors must report them within 24 hours via the eVisitor system.

For the purpose of accommodation check-in, supervision of sojourn tax payment and statistic processing, the following personal data are collected: first and last name, type and number of the personal identification document, sex, country and address of residence, country of birth, date of birth, and citizenship. The collected personal data are used only by the Tourist Boards, public authorities and Ministries relating to this procedure (Ministry of Tourism and Tourism Inspection, Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Finance – Customs Administration). Each unauthorized usage, publication, change, processing, reproduction, distribution, recording or assignment or any other form of unauthorized usage of such personal data is strictly prohibited. The abovementioned data entered in the eVisitor system are in compliance with the Law on Foreigners Official Gazette 130/11, Sojourn Tax Act Official Gazette 152/08, 59/09  30/14 , 52/19, 32/20 and 42/20, Regulation on the manner of keeping guests list/records, the form and content of the tourist registration form for the Tourist Board Official Gazette 126/15, therefore consent is not required.

The Hotel and Restaurant Activity Act forbids setting up tents, trailers, motor homes and other camping equipment outside the camps!

All visitors, Croatian and foreign nationals alike, residing outside of their place of permanent residence, in one of the tourist facilities (hotels, motels, inns, tourist apartments, rooms to let, health resorts, mountain lodges, marinas, vacation homes and similar), must pay the residence tax.
The following persons are also obligated to pay the residence tax:
• Owner of a residential or a vacation house in a tourist destination, as well as all persons residing in such a house.
• Owner of a vessel, as well as all other persons being accommodated onboard a vessel berthed at a marina.
Residence tax is paid per person for each day of your stay.
Residence tax is not paid by:
• children up to 12 years of age
• persons with a 70% disability or more and with one escort
• participants in school package arrangements (package travels) approved by an educational institution
• season workers
• close family members of the citizens of tourist community or the city
• passengers on a passenger ship in international maritime transport when the ship is berthed in the harbor
• owners of holiday homes and members of their families if the holiday home is an autochthonous old family house inherited by the testator whose last place of residence was in the tourist community or the city when the owners are staying over night in this house
• persons that use overnight stay service as part of the social service programme
• students and pupils who do not have a registered place of residence in the tourist community or city they are being educated in.
Residence tax reduced by 50% is paid by:
• persons between 12 and 18 years of age;
• persons up to 29 years of age who are members of international youth organizations when they are using overnight services in youth accommodation facilities that are included in the international network of youth accommodation facilities IYHF.