Info Covid-19

L’Ente per il turismo del comune di Fasana controlla diligentemente e responsabilmente la situazione e la consulenza delle istituzioni competenti in materia di sicurezza pubblica e salute. Se stai viaggiando o sei attualmente nella Repubblica di Croazia, puoi trovare informazioni di base e consigli sul coronavirus su questo sito web.

SARS-CoV-2 TESTING  (PCR Test and Rapid Antigen Test)- FINO A 18/09/2021

Citizens and guests of the Municipality of Fažana, can be tested for SARS-CoV-2 for administrative purposes (by PCR test and Rapid antigen test) in the building at the bus station in Valbandon.

The price of the PCR test is HRK 375.00
The price of the Rapid antigen test is HRK 100.00

Payment can be made by credit card (VISA, MAESTRO, MASTERCARD).

Opening hours of the test centre: Monday – Wednesday –  Friday at 9 a.m.

Pre-registration required one day in advance until 11,00  a.m. by email to  or by coming to the Tourist board of Fažana, Riva 2, Fažana. Opening hours of the Tourist board: every day from 8,00 a.m.  to 8,00 p.m.

Information  required:  name and surname, date of birth, telephone number and e-mail address

When and how do you get the test result?

Rapid Antigen Test -Within 2 hours by email. PCR Test -Within 24 hours by email

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